Mind, Body & Life Coach:
Dipl. Wellness Trainer:
Cert. Yoga Teacher
Cert. Pilates Mat Teacher
Cert. MASTER Mindset Life Coach:
Cert. MASTER Life Coach:
Cert. MASTER Transformation Life Coach:
Cert. MASTER Spiritual Life Coach:
Business Life Coach
Cert. Diet and Nutrition Coach
Cert. Fitness Trainer
Cert. Reiki MASTER
Cert. MBA
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Many people believe that intelligence, or IQ (intelligence quotient), is what determines success. However, researchers have consistently found that people with average IQ's outperform those with higher IQ 70% of the time. So, why is that? It turns out that the missing link in determining a person's long-term success is emotional intelligence, or EQ. Those average IQ people had high EQ.
Study after study have shown that people with high emotional intelligence:
The good news is that emotional intelligence can be DEVELOPED! It is not a fixed in-born trait (and neither is intelligence for that matter-but we cover that in a different course).
The problem is that for most of us, no one teaches us about our emotions and how they work. No one teaches us that we can have more control over our emotions by developing awareness of our thoughts and feelings.
And that's why so many people, struggle with:
In this course, you will learn Emotional Intelligence techniques to help:
The skill of emotional intelligence is perhaps the most valuable skill anyone can EVER acquire.
Give yourself this gift.